Medium-Length Quest

Quest Style: Heist/Infiltration Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Captain Lysander - Quest Giver and disgraced former captain of the town guard.
  2. Baron Roderick - The corrupt baron of Illyria, hoarding wealth and taxing the townspeople heavily.
  3. Lady Seraphina - A member of the local Thieves' Guild and potential ally in the heist.
  4. Sir Durin - A loyal knight to the baron and the new captain of the town guard.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Heist/Rebellion Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Nerys Swiftfoot - A charismatic and cunning leader of the local rebels, she is determined to bring down the oppressive ruler and seeks the help of the players to execute a daring plan.
  2. Lord Ironstone - The tyrannical ruler of the city, known for his brutal methods and total control over the city's affairs, including the military and the treasury. He resides in the heavily fortified Ironstone Castle.
  3. Captain Grimbolt - A ruthless and skilled mercenary hired by Lord Ironstone to guard the castle and keep the population in check. He answers only to the lord himself.
  4. Melric Whisperwind - A spy and infiltrator working for Nerys, who provides the party with key information about the castle and its defenses. He also aids in finding any potential allies within the castle.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Heist/Infiltration Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Azara: A mysterious and charismatic masked vigilante, who has recently been targeting corrupt nobles and making a name for herself in Stoneridge. She enlists the players to help bring down a corrupt noble family by stealing their source of power - an ancient artifact.
  2. Lord Tiberius Blackthorn: A corrupt and ruthless noble who maintains a stranglehold on Stoneridge through fear and manipulation. He is the current owner of the ancient artifact that Azara wants to steal.
  3. Harland, the Royal Magistrate: A loyal servant of Lord Blackthorn, Harland is responsible for maintaining the security of the noble's estate and is the architect of the magical defenses around the artifact.
  4. The Night Foxes: A small band of skilled thieves and rogues who have dedicated their lives to fighting corruption in Stoneridge. They are led by Azara and can provide support or information to the players.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Espionage/Heist Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Elara: Quest Giver, a skilled rogue who enlists the party for help in stealing a powerful artifact to aid the oppressed citizens of Stormhaven.
  2. Lord Braxton: Corrupt noble who hoards the artifact and oppresses the citizens of Stormhaven with his private militia.
  3. Captain Vayr: Leader of Lord Braxton's militia, tasked with defending the artifact and maintaining order in the city.
  4. Supporting NPCs: Makris, a local informant who can provide detailed information about the noble's mansion; Raela and Tharn, members of Elara's team who will accompany the party.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Theft/Rebellion Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Ragnor Swiftfoot: The quest giver, a fox-like humanoid (kitsune) and leader of the local rebels fighting against the oppressive rule of the local lord.
  2. Lord Archibald: An arrogant and ruthless nobleman who has been taxing the townspeople of Glentir to the point of starvation.
  3. Captain Gravas: The ruthless and sadistic captain of Lord Archibald's guard, who delights in tormenting the townspeople.
  4. Marla Redfern: A local tavern owner and secret informant for the rebel group, providing information and shelter for their activities.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Medium-Length Quest

Quest Style: Heist/Infiltration Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Lady Elara, the charismatic rebel leader fighting against the oppressive rule of Lord Aedan
  2. Lord Aedan, the tyrannical ruler of Lyrecrest Castle, responsible for extorting the citizens and causing unrest
  3. Captain Marcellus, the loyal captain of the castle guard and primary enforcer of Lord Aedan's rule
  4. Supporting NPCs - citizens seeking aid, fellow rebels offering assistance, and castle staff that could be either potential allies or informants for Lord Aedan

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Heist/Rebellion Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Seraphina: Charismatic rebel leader with a strong desire to overthrow the oppressive rule of Lord Gavric. Well-connected and knowledgeable about the local political landscape, she seeks the help of the players in her fight for justice.
  2. Lord Gavric: The cruel and oppressive ruler of the region, who has amassed great wealth and power through corruption and force. Residing within Fort Eveross, he is guarded by a private army of loyal soldiers and mercenaries.
  3. Captain Drakon: The ruthless commander of Lord Gavric's forces, he is fanatically devoted to his lord and will stop at nothing to protect Fort Eveross and its treasures.
  4. Taelon: A former guard who defected from Lord Gavric's forces and now supports Seraphina's rebellion. He holds valuable information about the layout and defenses of Fort Eveross.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Heist/Rebellion Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Litha, the Shadow Broker: A mysterious and enigmatic figure who knows all the secrets of Ironhold, Litha is an invaluable contact for underground enterprises in the city. Operating from a hidden sanctuary called the Shadow's Den, she is the one who orchestrates the heist.
  2. Governor Tiberius: The tyrannical ruler of Ironhold, known for brutally oppressing the people and hoarding their wealth. His heavily guarded manor is where the stolen treasure is kept.
  3. Captain Lysander: The commander of the Ironhold Guard and a loyal servant of Governor Tiberius. He is responsible for the security of the city and the governor's manor.
  4. The Resistance: A small group of freedom fighters led by Calista, an ex-soldier turned rebel, who work with the players to steal the treasure and undermine Governor Tiberius's rule.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Medium-Length Quest

Quest Style: Sabotage/Rebellion Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Raela: A charismatic young woman and leader of the Freedom's Whisper rebellion, which aims to overthrow the city's oppressive ruler, Lord Ironfist.
  2. Lord Ironfist: A cruel and power-hungry tyrant who rules Ironhall with an iron fist, imposing harsh laws and taxes on the citizens.
  3. Captain Tarkus: The corrupt captain of the Ironhall city guard, who enforces Lord Ironfist's will and is despised by the citizens.
  4. Hethric: A skilled blacksmith who secretly supports the rebellion and has information on the weaknesses of Ironfist's fortress.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Heist/Infiltration Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 4-6 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Cora, the peasant who seeks help in reclaiming her stolen property
  2. Lord Blackthorn, the ruthless and corrupt noble responsible for the thefts
  3. Oswin, a rogue thief with knowledge of the manor's security
  4. Captain Mira, the conflicted and sympathetic town guard captain

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


The Story Begins:

In the poverty-stricken town of Greenspire, the players encounter Cora, a desperate peasant whose family heirloom was stolen by the town's corrupt noble, Lord Blackthorn. As the players learn more about the noble's exploits, they discover that he has been systemically plundering the wealth of the town's people to fund his luxurious lifestyle. Cora implores the players to infiltrate Lord Blackthorn's manor and redistribute the stolen wealth among the townsfolk.

Meeting Oswin and Captain Mira:

As the players gather information, they come across Oswin, a rogue thief who once attempted to infiltrate Lord Blackthorn's manor. Oswin shares his knowledge of the manor's security and may even join the party to help bring down the corrupt noble. In their investigation, the players also encounter Captain Mira, a conflicted and sympathetic town guard captain who is torn between her loyalty to the town and her duty to Lord Blackthorn. With the right persuasion, she could prove to be a valuable ally in the operation.

Infiltration and Redistribution:

After gathering intelligence, the players infiltrate the manor under the cover of darkness. They must navigate a labyrinth of traps and patrolling guards as they locate and recover the stolen properties from the noble's treasury. Once the valuables are secured, the players redistribute the wealth among the townsfolk, earning their gratitude and appreciation.

Exposing the Corruption:

With Lord Blackthorn's misdeeds brought to light, the players have the opportunity to expose his corruption to the town and bring about a change in leadership. If they discovered the magical artifact influencing Lord Blackthorn's greed, they may choose to remove its influence and provide the noble with a chance for redemption. Alternatively, they may choose to rally the townsfolk and overthrow the corrupt ruler, initiating a new era of prosperity for the people of Greenspire. Medium-Length Quest

Quest Style: Heist/Rebellion Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Lysandra (Quest Giver): A fierce warrior and charismatic leader, Lysandra has been fighting against the oppressive rule of the tyrant Lord Dravos. She believes that by stealing Dravos' most prized possession, a powerful magical artifact, the resistance can weaken him and rally the people to their cause.
  2. Lord Dravos (Antagonist): A cruel and despotic ruler, Lord Dravos has been using an ancient artifact, the Orb of Dominion, to maintain control over his subjects. He suspects that a rebellion is brewing and has tightened security around Blackstone Keep.
  3. Harold (Supporting NPC): A former guard at Blackstone Keep, Harold was dismissed by Lord Dravos due to his disobedience. He has since joined the resistance and offers valuable intel on the inner workings of the keep.
  4. Marlena (Kidnapped Victim): Marlena is Lysandra's sister and a talented healer. She was recently captured by Lord Dravos' forces to use as leverage against Lysandra and the resistance.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Heist/Infiltration Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Marla - A charismatic and resourceful rebel leader, who aims to overthrow the corrupt ruler of Braxtol. She seeks the help of adventurers to retrieve a powerful relic that can rally the people to her cause.
  2. Lord Fendrake - The oppressive and cruel ruler of Braxtol who has obtained the relic in question and keeps it hidden in his castle, using it as a symbol of his power.
  3. Silas - A quiet yet skilled rogue who has connections inside the castle, providing valuable information and support during the heist. He is a member of Marla's rebellion.
  4. Captain Grimsley - The loyal and ruthless captain of the castle guard, who is tasked with protecting the relic and apprehending any intruders.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Thievery/Rebellion Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Arvis "Featherfoot" Gavilar (Quest Giver) - A charismatic rogue and leader of the rebellion, Arvis seeks to overthrow the corrupt city officials and redistribute wealth to the oppressed people of Goldcrest. He is known for his flamboyant attire, feathered hat, and quick wit.
  2. Lady Elara, a noblewoman sympathetic to the rebellion - Lady Elara is an influential noblewoman, secretly allied with the rebellion. She uses her connections to gather information and provide the rebels with supplies and resources, all while maintaining her public image.
  3. Governor Merik, a corrupt and ruthless city official - Governor Merik is the primary antagonist, responsible for the widespread corruption and suffering in Goldcrest. He uses his power for personal gain, crushing anyone who opposes him.
  4. Supporting NPCs - A diverse cast of rebels from various backgrounds, eager to aid in the fight for justice.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Sabotage/Disruption Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Halda
  2. Mayor of Gideon's Crossing
  3. Mirabelle, leader of a corrupt coven of witches
  4. Local fishermen and residents of Gideon's Crossing, who may provide the players with information

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:

The Story:

While traveling through the coastal region, the player characters come across Gideon's Crossing, a small fishing village plagued by a series of mysterious and gruesome events. The local mayor is at his wit's end, unable to protect the village from the malevolent force responsible for these occurrences, and superstition spreads among the villagers. Halda, an elderly wise woman and healer, approaches the party with the quest: the village is under the influence of a corrupt coven of witches, who plan to perform a dark ritual during the next full moon, which is only a few days away. She implores the party to help her disrupt the ritual and protect the village from the coven's evil reign.

As the players begin their investigation, they learn of strange occurrences in the village's surrounding woods, including unnatural weather patterns, sightings of shadowy figures, and unnerving sounds. The locals share tales of witches and supernatural happenings that date back generations, revealing the village's dark secret history with witchcraft. As the full moon approaches, the players must locate the coven's lair, confront the witches, and disrupt their ritual, thus saving the village from their dark influence.

Upon confronting the coven, the players may choose to engage in combat or attempt a more diplomatic approach. If they choose the latter, they may discover that Halda was once part of the same coven but left when she disagreed with Mirabelle's morally corrupt practices. The party could potentially use this information to their advantage, exposing the rift within the coven and causing its members to turn on one another.

In the end, the party must decide whether to destroy the coven, make a deal with the witches, or uncover the village's hidden history and cleanse Gideon's Crossing of its dark past. If successful, the grateful villagers and Halda reward the players with potions, magical healing, and a modest sum of gold for their efforts in saving the village from the coven's malevolent influence. Medium-Length Quest

Quest Style: Heist/Rebellion Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Lila Swiftshadow: A daring and charismatic resistance leader who is determined to overthrow the city's oppressive ruler, Lord Roderick.
  2. Lord Roderick: A ruthless and tyrannical ruler who has amassed a vast fortune through exploiting the citizens of Ironhaven.
  3. Captain Killian: The loyal and cunning captain of Lord Roderick's personal guard, who is entrusted with guarding the treasure.
  4. The Ironhaven Resistance: A group of like-minded individuals fighting for the city's freedom and working with Lila Swiftshadow.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Heist/Infiltration Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Lady Rosaline Delacroix - A charismatic revolutionary who seeks to overthrow the oppressive lord ruling over Castle Blackwood. She approaches the players with a plan to infiltrate the castle and steal a valuable artifact that will fund the rebellion.
  2. Lord Damien Blackwood - The cruel and tyrannical ruler of Castle Blackwood. He has acquired a legendary artifact, the Eye of Aethelred, which he plans to use to further oppress his people.
  3. Captain Eamon O'Callaghan - The loyal captain of Lord Blackwood's guard. He is a skilled fighter and tactician who will stop at nothing to protect his lord and his valuable treasure.
  4. Castor the Sly - A roguish informant who has been spying on Lord Blackwood for Lady Delacroix. He can provide crucial information about the castle's defenses, as well as potential allies and enemies within the castle walls.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Heist/Rebellion Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Lyra Silvercloak: A charismatic rebel leader who opposes the tyrannical rule of Lord Mordreth Tyrannis. She seeks the assistance of the players to steal a powerful artifact from Lord Tyrannis' treasury.
  2. Lord Mordreth Tyrannis: The iron-fisted ruler of the city, known for his oppressive laws and harsh punishments. He has a powerful artifact within his treasury that enhances his control over the city.
  3. Sergeant Darik: A corrupt city guardsman who has taken bribes to keep quiet about Lyra's rebel activities.
  4. Talia Whisperwind: A rogue and spy for the rebel cause who has information on how to infiltrate Lord Tyrannis' treasury.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Rebellion/Heist Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Evangeline, a charismatic and cunning rebel leader who has been rallying the townspeople of Greycloak to resist Lord Blackthorn's oppressive rule. She seeks the aid of the players to help her retrieve a powerful artifact from the tyrant's treasury.
  2. Lord Blackthorn, an iron-fisted ruler who has subjected the people of Greycloak to his heavy taxes and harsh laws. He is rumored to be in possession of an ancient artifact that could be used to bring about his downfall.
  3. Captain Haldor, the loyal and ruthless captain of Lord Blackthorn's personal guard. He is tasked with the security of the castle and will stop at nothing to ensure the tyrant's treasure remains untouched.
  4. Drystan, an informant within the castle who secretly aids Evangeline and the rebels. He provides valuable information for the heist and assists the players during their infiltration.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Heist/Infiltration Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Liria Moonshadow: A charming and charismatic thief who leads a small band of rebels fighting against the oppressive rule of the city's nobility. She seeks the party's help in stealing an important document from the Lord's castle.
  2. Lord Alaric Blackstone: The ruthless ruler of Valencrest, who has tightened his grip on the city and its people through intimidation and ruthless enforcement of his laws. He is the owner of the document Liria seeks to steal.
  3. Captain Helios Varkas: The skilled and loyal captain of Lord Blackstone's private guard, responsible for protecting the Lord's castle and its invaluable contents.
  4. Selene Clearwater: A cunning spy and informant working for Liria, who has managed to infiltrate the castle's staff and gather valuable information about its layout and security measures.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Rescue/Infiltration Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Aleria, the quest giver and local resistance member
  2. Sir Drakon, the captured resistance leader held in Ironbriar's prison
  3. Baroness Myranda, the tyrannical ruler of Ironbriar
  4. Maelor, a spy within the Baroness's inner circle, secretly working for the resistance

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:



  1. The party arrives in Ironbriar and meets Aleria, who recruits them for the cause of rescuing Sir Drakon and toppling the Baroness's oppressive rule.
  2. Aleria introduces the party to Maelor, a spy within the Baroness's inner circle, who provides valuable intel about the prison layout and guard schedules.
  3. The party devises a plan to infiltrate the prison, using their diverse set of chaotic good-aligned skills to create distractions or exploit weaknesses in security.
  4. As they make their way through the jail, the party discovers the truth about Sir Drakon's heritage and the illegitimacy of Baroness Myranda's rule.
  5. While freeing Sir Drakon, the party learns that Maelor has been captured, and must decide whether to rescue him as well or make their escape with Sir Drakon.
  6. The party confronts the Baroness's forces, either exposing the truth and igniting a rebellion, or making a daring escape with their allies and planning their next move against the tyrannical ruler. Medium-Length Quest

Quest Style: Heist/Infiltration Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Captain Ealasaid: The quest giver and a daring pirate captain. Known for her quick wits and cunning tactics, she has a reputation for targeting corrupt officials and hoarding their ill-gotten wealth.
  2. Lord Vareck: The ruler of Nornhaven and the primary antagonist. He is a corrupt and greedy noble who has amassed wealth through questionable means, including exploiting the people he governs.
  3. Cyric: A rogue thief and a former member of Captain Ealasaid's crew. He betrayed the crew and now secretly works for Lord Vareck as an informant.
  4. The Shadow Serpents: A notorious group of thieves and smugglers who have a history of clashing with Captain Ealasaid's crew. They are potential allies or rivals, depending on the players' actions.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Heist/Rebellion Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Eris: The charming and passionate leader of a group of rebels fighting against Lord Ironclaw's oppressive rule. Eris strongly believes in the cause and is willing to do whatever it takes to bring down the tyrant.
  2. Lord Ironclaw: A heartless ruler who has crushed any resistance in Ironclaw City and has a vast fortune accumulated through theft, extortion, and unjust taxation. He is paranoid and has many guards and spies in his employ.
  3. Grek, the Sneak: A gifted thief and member of the rebel group, Grek is skilled in infiltration and has vital information about the layout of Lord Ironclaw's castle, including the location of his treasure vault.
  4. Supporting NPCs: Members of the rebel group, oppressed citizens, and various guards and spies loyal to Lord Ironclaw.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Heist/Rebellion Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Cora: A fierce halfling woman with a strong sense of justice, Cora leads an underground resistance movement against the oppressive tyrant, Lord Gilden. She approaches the players with a plan to weaken the tyrant's grip on the city.
  2. Lord Gilden: A cruel and corrupt human noble, Lord Gilden has long exploited the people of Gildenbrook to fund his lavish lifestyle. Fearful of losing his power, he has employed a personal army to keep the population in check.
  3. Captain Gideon: A once honorable knight who is now the leader of Lord Gilden's personal army. He is torn between his duty to serve the nobility and his growing discomfort with Lord Gilden's actions.
  4. Supporting NPCs: Members of the resistance, citizens of Gildenbrook, and various guards and soldiers loyal to Lord Gilden.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Heist/Rebellion Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. Renna: A resourceful and cunning woman in her mid-thirties, Renna has been the mastermind behind several successful rebellions against the oppressive rule of Baron Ironstone. She approaches the party with a plan to steal an artifact from the baron's treasury that could help turn the tide in the resistance's favor.
  2. Baron Ironstone: A ruthless and cunning ruler, Baron Ironstone has maintained a tight grip on his town through fear and intimidation. The baron is known for his love of rare artifacts and hoards them in a heavily guarded treasury within the walls of his castle. He is aware of the growing resistance movement but has thus far been unable to quell it.
  3. Silas: A skilled thief and second-in-command of the resistance, Silas has a deep personal vendetta against the baron. He is responsible for gathering intelligence on the artifact and the layout of the treasury. Silas may offer to help the party with the heist but is ultimately loyal to Renna.
  4. Captain Brant: The captain of the baron's guard, Captain Brant is a fiercely loyal and highly skilled warrior. He is deeply involved in the baron's schemes and will stop at nothing to see the resistance crushed. He may become a recurring antagonist if the players manage to escape with the artifact.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:


Quest Style: Heist/Rebellion Difficulty: Moderate Recommended Alignment: Chaotic Good Suggested Playtime: 3-5 hours

Basic Details:


  1. The Fox: The enigmatic leader of the rebellion, who seeks to overthrow the corrupt nobility of Tyraswynn and restore power to the people. He is adept at remaining unseen, and communicates with the players through coded messages and secret meetings.
  2. Lord Blackthorn: The tyrannical ruler of Tyraswynn, who has amassed great power and wealth at the expense of his subjects. He is known for his ruthless enforcement of the law and his heavily guarded personal treasury.
  3. Lady Felicity: A high-ranking noble with a sympathetic ear for the rebellion's cause. She can provide insider information and assistance to the players, but her loyalties may be called into question.
  4. Garreth: A street-smart member of the rebellion, who has lived in the city's underbelly his entire life. He can provide valuable intel on the city's layout, guard rotations, and underground contacts.

The Stakes:

Potential Plot Twists:
